#AAJA22 Session Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending AAJA Convention 2022! 
Please take a brief moment to fill out the feedback form for your session. You can fill this form out multiple times. Times are in PST.
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Name (optional)
Wednesday, July 27th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Thursday, July 28th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Friday, July 29th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Saturday, July 30th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Name of panel if not listed as option above
How useful did you find sessions? *
Not useful
Very useful
How would you rate the topics of the sessions?  *
How would you rate the speakers? *
How would you rate the execution/format? *
Any additional comments?
Please feel free to provide feedback on the general overall conference here.  *
We are looking to collect testimonials and quotes about convention! If you'd like to be potentially featured in upcoming promotional material for AAJA, please give us some reflection or insight about how AAJA 22 was for you.   
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