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#AAJA22 Session Feedback Survey
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Wednesday, July 27th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Introduction to Data Journalism (In Partnership with Investigative Reporters and Editors)
Bolster Your Digital Safety: An Anti-Hacking, Anti-Doxing Workshop (In Partnership with PEN America)
Owning the narrative online: Getting Asian American journalists their due on Wikipedia (In Partnership with Women Do News)
Journalism Power Tools Training (Sponsored by Google News Initiative)
Let There Be Light: A Lighting Workshop with AAJA Photo Affinity Group
2022 pro tips for networking and finding a mentor
Free legal resources for AAJA journalists: Meet the Reporters Committee (In Partnership with RCFP)
Leaning Into Our #VeryAsian Identity On and Off Air (In Partnership with Very Asian Foundation)
Other panel
Thursday, July 28th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
APIDA Narratives in Classrooms and Newsrooms: Past, Present and Future (Sponsored by USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism)
Reporting on Trauma during Traumatic Times
Diversifying Publishing: Navigating the world of Publishing from AAPI authors
Disrupting Disparities Through Data: The Need for AAPI Data Equity in Research and Newsrooms (Sponsored by AARP)
Speaking Our Minds: AAPI Voices in Opinion Journalism
Using Twitter to Build and Engage Live Audiences (Sponsored by Twitter)
Dear Corky: Film Screening and Panel Discussion (Presented by AAJA Photo Affinity Group)
AAPI Representation in Sports & Entertainment (Presented by AAJA Sports Task Force, Sponsored by CBS Sports)
Other panel
Friday, July 29th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Shapeshifting Your Journalism Experience: Careers in Freelancing, Teaching & More
Reporting on Anti-AAPI Hate: Facts, Nuances and Context (In Partnership with Stop AAPI Hate!)
DEI strategies for racial equity: Lessons learned across industries
Hands-on Session: Sportcasters' Workshop (Presented by AAJA Sports Task Force, Sponsored by Fox)
Building an inclusive journalism program that sticks (Sponsored by TEGNA)
How to Build and Maintain a Wide Network of Sources
Queer(ing) journalism
Dismantling stereotypes in the arts
Atlanta Shootings, Anti-AAPI Crime: Broadcasters Reflect on Coverage
Duct tape & broken fax machines: The challenges for US election officials & the stories that have yet to be told (Sponsored by Skoll Foundation)
Defining Courage, Little Tokyo Event
Other Panel
Saturday, July 30th - Select which session(s) you attended below:
Meditation Program (Presented by PopSugar)
AAJA Voices Presentation
Who Controls the Narrative About People of Color in Our Democracy? (Sponsored by Skoll Foundation)
Best Practices for Covering Marginalized Communities: A roundtable conversation
Lead with Purpose and Impact: AAPI Executives in Nonprofit Journalism (Sponsored by MacArthur Foundation)
Journalists as Advocates: How to Push for Press Freedom Amid Unprecedented Attacks (Presented by AAJA-LA)
Lessons in Podcasting (Presented by AAJA Audio & Podcasting)
Habits of Successful Freelancers (Presented by AAJA Freelance Affinity Group)
Representation, Pipeline and Power: Building AAPI Influence in News Leadership (Sponsored by MacArthur Foundation)
Hands-On Session: Non-fiction Video Storytelling + Portfolio Review (AAJA Video Affinity Group)
Identity-empowered Risk Assessment, Planning and Personal Security (In partnership with the International Women's Media Foundation)
Kicking Off Your Career in Film & TV Criticism (Sponsored by Rotten Tomatoes)
Storytelling from the Heart: Excavating personal, family and community stories
Identity-empowered risk assessment, planning and Personal Security (In partnership with the International Women's Media Foundation)
Other panel
Name of panel if not listed as option above
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Please feel free to provide feedback on the general overall conference here.
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We are looking to collect testimonials and quotes about convention! If you'd like to be potentially featured in upcoming promotional material for AAJA, please give us some reflection or insight about how AAJA 22 was for you.
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