Cereulight Survey~      Cereulight問卷調查🌾
Hello^^ We are Cereulight, the HKUST iGEM team aiming to create a user-friendly whole-cell biosensor platform capable of detecting Cereulide in food samples. The hydrogel test kit, together with the app can make Cereulide testing more accessible to food processing and manufacturing facilities, as well as food safety authorities. We would like to have your feedback on our project through this survey. Thank you very much for your time and comments:]

我們是香港科技大學的 iGEM 團隊 Cereulight~ 我們正在研究一個快速檢測 Cereulide (催吐毒素) 的細胞感測器 (Whole-cell Biosensor Test Kit)。澱粉類食物和翻熱過的剩菜裡都有機會發現 Cereulide, 人一旦不小心吃了含有 Cereulide 的食物就會出現嘔吐、腹瀉、頭暈、甚至肝臟衰竭和死亡。目前測試食物樣品中的 Cereulide 需要送往化驗,費時又昂貴,而我們的檢測套裝運用了基因改造的 B. subtilis,將他們放進水凝膠,表達 GFP/RFP (綠色螢光蛋白/紅色螢光蛋白) 來顯示樣本有沒有 Cereulide。加上應用程式就可以用手機的相機來讀取 Cereulide 濃度。 我們需要您的意見,讓我們的 Cereulight Test Kit 更為完善。謝謝~
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What is your profession? 您正在從事什麼職業? *

Have you/someone you know suffered from food poisoning before? (e.g. having stomachache/diarrhoea/vomiting after eating)


If yes, what do you think is the cause(s) of the food poisoning? (Multiple choices)

Have you ever heard of Fried Rice Syndrome or cereulide?
您有沒有聽說過炒飯綜合症 (Fried Rice Syndrome) 或催吐毒素?
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