2023 Individual Registration for Decorah Pride Parade and Celebratory March
Hello, and thank you for your interest in Decorah Pride 2023.  The Parade and Celebratory March will take place Saturday Sept. 16, 2023.  Individuals are encouraged to register here, but it is not necessary.  Registering will allow us to estimate the number of participants and to share information about the parade with you.

This form is for individuals wishing to walk in the 2023 parade. If you wish to drive a vehicle or bring an animal other than a dog, please use our group registration form, even if you will be entering alone.

All groups must preregister by Saturday, Sept 9 via the Group Registration Form: https://forms.gle/qg97JpBwcjscpLzQ6 

Participation in the parade is for people and organizations who support the LGBTQ+ community.  By signing up here, you are indicating that you joyfully agree to support LGBTQ+ people in the Decorah community and beyond.  

**We take seriously the wellbeing of our community and all involved in our events. The Parade Coordinator has been empowered to direct floats or individuals exit the parade if their content, themes, depictions, or signage does not align with Decorah Pride Festival's goals for a family-friendly event that celebrates and supports the LGBTQIA+ community and promotes community wellbeing.
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Individual's email: *
Would you benefit a ride or mobility assistance? We want everyone who wants to to be able to participate and know that not all marchers feel comfortable with the parade pace of 5 mph pace (medium pace walking).
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Is there anything you'd like the planning team to know or any questions you have?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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