Cape Fear High School Proctor Registration - Fall 2017 - 2018
Due to recent snow days and delays. Cape Fear High Schools testing schedule has been pushed back. Our new exam dates are as follows: Monday (1/22), Tuesday (1/23) and Wednesday (1/24).  We are in great need of proctors to assist us on these days.  Please select the days you are available to proctor on the form below.  Please arrive at the media center by 7:45am on the day you are registered to proctor. We will provide you with proctor training at that time and then direct you to your proctoring location.   The approximate hours of proctoring each day are 7:45 am - 12:30 pm.

All volunteer proctors must also complete a volunteer registration form with Cumberland County Schools (link located at the end of the proctor registration form below).

NOTE: Parents and family members of Seniors can earn one graduation ticket for every 2 days of proctoring.  Limit of 2 extra tickets per Senior can be earned through volunteer proctoring.  (Note: Extra graduation tickets are limited and are offered on a first earned basis).  Parents and family members of Sophomores and Juniors can earn student parking spot preference for the 2018 - 2019 school year for 2 or more days of proctoring.  Volunteers must be 21 years of age or older.

If you have any questions in regards to proctoring for final exams please call Mrs. Ross at (910)483-0191 ext. 707 or email   Thank you!
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Home Phone Number *
Student Name (Type N/A if you do not currently have a student attending CFHS) *
Student Grade *
Place a check on the dates you are available to proctor. Estimated time 7:45 am - 12:30 pm.  *You will need to sign in at the Media Center no later than 7:45 am on the day(s) you are proctoring. *
I am at least 21 years of age. *
Have you completed the volunteer registration form on the CCS website THIS school year?  If not or if you are unsure, please go to and complete the CCS volunteer registration.  This is a requirement for proctoring for exams.  A new volunteer registration form must be completed each school year. If you completed the CCS volunteer registration form last year you will have to fill it out again for this year. *
If possible, please list the names of your childs teachers below.  Feel free to leave this section blank if you do not know your child's teachers names.
*Thank you for volunteering to help with proctoring for our final exams.  Volunteer proctors must arrive at Cape Fear High School in the Media Center no later than 7:45 am on the days registered to proctor.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Ross at (910)483-0191 ext. 707 or email at ...........................................................................................................................................................Click on the SUBMIT button below to complete your proctor registration.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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