DUCC Welfare Feedback Form Easter 2022
This form is a space for you to suggest things/give feedback about all things relating to the club. This form will not be viewed by anyone other than the welfare officers. Your responses will be anonymous. This form will be monitored throughout the term and you can fill it in as many times as you like. If you wish to deal with an issue more directly contact the welfare officers or another member of the exec.
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Is there anyting you have particularly enjoyed about sessions/socials etc. within the last few months that you think we have done well or that you would like to see again?
Is there anything that you have not enjoyed or that we have not done well that you think could be improved for sessions/socials?
Do you have any ideas/requests for skills and activities to work on in sessions?
Do you have any ideas for socials or trips?
Do you have any ideas/requests for club stash?
Do you have any welfare concerns, accessibility issues or just general worries that we can help with?
If yes and you would like to be contacted about them please leave your cis code and we will email you.
Any other comments? We'd love to hear any thoughts or feedback you have, or even any kayak-related jokes or memorable swims from the week!
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