ASO East of England Network Meeting - Abstract submission
Please use this form to submit an abstract to the Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO)'s East of England Network meeting, which will take place on 30th January 2025 at Jesus College, Cambridge, entitled "Innovations in Obesity Prevention and Management: From Evidence to Action". 

Deadline: The deadline to submit abstracts is 13th December 2024 at 5pm (GMT). 

Candidates whose abstracts are selected for presentation will be asked to give a 10 minute presentation at the event, followed by a 5 minute Q&A session. This is a great opportunity to disseminate and discuss your research findings with other researchers and practitioners in the field of obesity research in your local area. 

Please note, having an accepted abstract is not a requirement for attending the event. If your abstract is not selected, you will still be very welcome to attend the event.

Abstract guidelines: Submitted abstracts should be a maximum of 400 words (including conflicts of interest and funding) and should not contain any tables, figures or footnotes. Please structure your abstract using the following sub-headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Conflicts of interest, Funding. Please note that ASO encourages full disclosure of all relevant sources of funding in relation to abstracts submitted to this meeting. 

Eligibility: Please note, this meeting is only open to members of the Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO). If you are not yet a member but would like to join or submit an abstract, please see the ASO membership webpage on how to become a member. It's quick and easy to sign up. Full membership is £60 per year, and student memberships are £30 per year. 

For any questions, please contact julia.mueller -at-
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I confirm that I am a member of the Association for the Study of Obesity (please note this is a requirement for attending the event; if you are not yet a member please see here on how to join). 
Abstract details
Please provide the title of your abstract.
Please list all authors of the abstract and their affiliations, for example:
Smith, A. 1
Jones, B. 2

1 University of Examples
2 University of More Examples
Please provide your abstract.
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