You are invited to give your opinion to contribute to the understanding of the perception and acceptance of upcycled agro-industrial waste as food ingredient by the consumers.
The following questionnaire is developed by the working group 3 - Biological extraction of food and feed from residues and wastes. We are part of COST Action CA20133 - Cross Border Transfer and Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies Towards Zero Waste (FULLRECO4US) -
This questionnaire is divided into 4 parts, contains around 30 questions and takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Your answers will be used for summary presentation of your country (not individually). This questionnaire is totally anonymous. The answers will be collected and processed anonymously by the University of Montenegro - Faculty of Economics for research and statistical analysis purposes without the possibility of identifying the user. Answers will be removed by the end of the FULLRECO4US action.
Your time and contribution to the study is highly appreciated.
Please check whether you agree with the terms of the survey.
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