Join us at OMB participant Miles Seeley's apiary on the first Saturday of each month to see in-person hive demos and have the chance to do some hands-on work in an active honey bee colony. We will discuss seasonal differences in colony management and compare these hives to how your bees are doing in your own apiary.
Date: 9/7/24
Time: 10:00am to Noon
Location: 14495 NW Old Pumpkin Ridge Rd., North Plains, OR (Make sure use ‘Old’ in address)
Location details: Exit Rt 26 in North Plains, turn left on North Ave at the 'T', turn right onto Mountaindale, then right onto Old Pumpkin Ridge. At 'T' turn left to stay on OLD Pumpkin Ridge. Mile’s driveway is after the curve.
What to bring: water, personal protective gear (hat/veil, gloves, etc.), portable chair. Hive tools and smokers will be provided. Restrooms are available.