BIMA - Junior Doctor Wing

Founded in August 2020 amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the British Indian Medical Association (BIMA) embarked on a mission to provide a selfless and inclusive service to the British Indian Medical Community. Over the course of four years, we have successfully orchestrated more than 240 national events, including 2 national conferences (Endorsed by RCSed) and an in-person networking reception (Endorsed by the GMC), collectively reaching and benefiting over 7000 individuals. Our organisation has flourished, boasting a robust membership base of 2000 members.

At BIMA, our commitment extends beyond mere participation; we strive to offer a diverse array of opportunities to our members. These opportunities encompass leadership roles, teaching engagements, mentorship programs, as well as support in career development, networking, academia, and welfare.

In the upcoming year, we are excited to unveil a series of compelling events and opportunities designed to further enrich the experiences of our medical professionals. These include mentorship and teaching schemes, tailor-made academic events, and insightful career talks. Furthermore, we are actively seeking individuals to join our dedicated doctor's wing, providing a unique chance to enhance one's leadership portfolio.

To stay informed and engaged with our upcoming initiatives, we invite you to complete the form below. We look forward to keeping you updated on the exciting developments and opportunities that lie ahead. Your involvement is integral to the continued success and growth of our community.

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Name *
Email Address (please enter an email you check frequently) *
Which medical school did you attend? *
Which NHS Trust are you a part of? *
What stage of training are you currently at? *
What is your speciality? (If you are a Foundation Doctor, please enter specialities you're potentially interested in.) *
Which BIMA events are you interested in being involved with? *
Are there any events you would like to see BIMA run in the future for doctors?
As part of BIMA's growth, we are looking to introduce a Doctor's Wing to tailor our offerings to junior doctors. Are you interested in being involved in BIMA's Doctor Wing committee as a Trust Representative? *
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