Please enter as much information as possible to initiate a conversation about your interest in having Farah Yasmeen Shaikh and/or Noorani Dance Company at your event.
If you don't have all the details finalized you can indicate that. This form is to get a general idea and specific details can be finalized in further conversations. A detailed agreement will follow after discussing terms.
General requirements for Farah and/or NDC (open to discussion based on the nature of the event):
1. Smooth, hard surface that is safe for barefoot movements. Ideal minimum size is 10' wide X 12' deep.
2. High quality sound system to ensure that music is audible to the performers, and for the audience at the event. Additional requirements will be outlined for live music.
3. Microphone and foot mics for the stage/performance space.
4. A green room / dressing room with sufficient lighting, in relative close proximity to the performance space. Access to a private bathroom with close proximity to the dressing room. The dressing room cannot be a bathroom.
5. Chairs, tables and mirrors for the dancers in the dressing room and an area to hang costumes.
6. Water and light refreshments for the dancers.