Re-Elect Jay in May 2021 for CCISD Trustee
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Since we called for our May 1st election at last nights board meeting, it is time for me to announce my candidacy for re-election to the District 5 seat. Over my 13+ years volunteering within the district and community, I have been privileged to interact with many of you as a coach, volunteer in and around the schools or as a parent cheering on our kids to success. The past 6 years as the trustee for District 5, I am proud to have accomplished but certainly not limited to the following:
- reducing taxes
- helping relieve overcrowding by advocating for two bond elections that benefited our community directly
- increased teacher salaries while on the finance committee
- advocated for extending our magnet programs to the west side of the district
- returned students to school safely in the fall by serving on our safely reopen committee this past summer etc.
It has been an honor to serve in this non-partisan role and to represent our community. I am running for re-election to ensure the continued academic excellence within CCISD and to help our students to continue to have the opportunities to explore their hopes, dreams and aspirations. I am asking for your help and hope you will join me. Please tell your friends and neighbors to visit and like this page. I will be communicating more information for ways to become involved!
Election Day is May 1st, with early voting April 19th - April 27th.
Thank you for your support,
Jay C.
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