KM/Group Questionnaire
Kalyana Mitta or Spiritual Friends groups are intended to provide safe, intimate spaces for deepening your meditation practice and developing spiritual friendships. Groups can have different themes or organizing principles, such as a particular area of study, a common interest, a shared identity, or a shared neighborhood. They generally consist of 4-10 members, making it possible for Sangha bonds to grow strong as well as providing an intimate enough setting for true exploration of Dharma topics. Groups are peer led and can meet monthly, or as often as members would like. To assist us in knowing the sangha's needs will you please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire.

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Why do you wish to be in a group? Please include as many details as possible. *
Please describe your meditation experience. Include as much information as possible, such as how long you have been practicing, have you received instruction, have you attended any retreats - please specify duration. *
Each group needs to have a coordinator who will be responsible for communicating with the other members about meetings as well as with IMCC about the group's status and needs. Are you willing to serve in this role? *
Do you wish to be in a themed group? Check all below that would interest you. Please note we are gauging interest and can only offer a group if there is sufficient interest and if there is a volunteer coordinator. It is not necessary for groups to have a 'theme.' *
Please share your contact information: Name, Email Address, Tel. No. *
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