Registration for NACVGM 2024
Please submit this form as well as the separate PayPal payment (as applicable) to register for the North American Conference on Video Game Music, which will take place on March 16-17, 2024.
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First name
Last name
Email address (If you plan to attend the conference virtually, then this email address must be associated with a Zoom account)
Are you a student, faculty member, independent scholar, or other?
Institution or other affiliation
Select your registration option. Note that undergraduate students from any institution, and students, faculty, and staff from Michigan State University may register for free. For all others, please select the option that matches your attendance (either in-person or virtual) and the days for which you are registering.
Would you like to add "1-Up" support with your registration? Your donation assists in funding future conferences and supports early career colleagues and students attending the conference by helping to keep their registration costs low. Simply add $5 or more to your base registration fee when you pay your total registration.
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