Evaluating Badge Names and Icons
As part of our initiative to build a gamified tree planting & protecting system, we plan to award users with badges when they reach milestones in their tree planting and protection efforts. 

To ensure that the badge names and icons resonate positively with local Kenyan users and align with cultural beliefs and practices, we are conducting this survey. 

Your feedback will help us understand which badge designs are culturally appropriate and which may have unintended negative connotations.
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We'd love to get to know you first!
What is your age group?
What is your gender?
What is your ethnic community?
Do you actively participate in community-based or environmental initiatives (e.g., tree planting, clean-up drives)?
First impression is important!
We will show you some screenshot of our planting app to get your first impression feedback.
This is a screenshot showing you the Homepage and the Main action page of the app. Please help take a look for around 10 - 15 seconds.
This is a screenshot showing you the Rewards page and My Trees page of the app. Please help take a look for around 10 - 15 seconds.
Subjectively, how do you feel about the colors being used in the app?
Dislike the colors
Like the colors
Objectively, are the colors being used in the app remind you of any app that you know / are using?
This is a screenshot from the app showing you the badges a user earned. Please help take a look for around 10 - 15 seconds.
From the above badges, what are your top 3 favourite badges? *
What do you think about having both wild animals and birds as badge illustrations?
Please further explain why it's appropriate or not appropriate to mix wild animals and birds together for the badges? *
Let's get to the badge ideas
In which language do you prefer to have badge names / titles be in? *
Help us give feedback to the badge illustrations
  • You will be presented with a series of potential badge names and icons.
  • For each, you’ll be asked to rate whether you feel the name or icon has a positive, neutral, or negative impact based on your cultural beliefs and personal preferences.
  • You will also have the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions on how we can improve the badge designs to better align with your community’s values.
Your thought on "Super Sable" *
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Your thought on "Shining Bongo" *
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Your thought on "Triumphant Turaco" [Swahili version: "Turaco ya Ushindi"] *
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Your thought on "Happy Hyena" [Swahili version: "Furaha Fisi"] *
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Your thought on "Harmonious Heron" [Swahili version: "Nguruwe Mwenye usawa"] *
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Your thought on "Giraffe Guardian" [Swahili version: "Mlezi wa twiga"] *
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Your thought on "Admirable Agama" [Swahili version: "Agama wa kupendeza"] *
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Your thought on "Successful Sokoke Scops" [Swahili version: "Mafanikio ya Sokoke Scops"] *
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Your thought on "Cheetah Champion" [Swahili version: "Bingwa wa Duma"] *
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Your thought on "Three-horned Chameleon" [Swahili version: "Kinyonga anayepiga"] *
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Are there other animals you would like to see as badge illustrations? *
Are there other birds you would like to see as badge illustrations? *
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our study.
 Your insights and feedback are invaluable to us as we are working to provide a better digital platform for nature restoration!
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