Interval membership enquiry
Hello! Thanks for being interested in joining Interval. Interval is an artist collective and support-network. We share space, resources and knowledge to help each other run our individual practices. If you fill in this form it means we know who you are (which is helpful) and can put you on our waiting list for a trial membership. Trial memberships are 2 months long - they are so that you can see if you like Interval and it is useful for you, and we can check that we all get along with each other before making a long term commitment.
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Email *
Just give us a bit of information about you!
Your name *
How do you self-identify? (preferred name, preferred pronouns, or any other ways that form your identity that you would like to share). This question is optional. 
We recognise the ongoing discrimination, inequity and barriers that Black and Global Majority artists face across different sectors that they work in. 
Interval collective is actively fast-tracking trial membership for any Black and Global Majority (Black, Asian, Dual and Mixed Heritage, and all who are racialised as ethnic minorities) artists that express interest via this form. If you identify with this and would like your trial membership to be fast-tracked please enter YES below. This question is optional. 
Tell us a bit about your artistic practice and work: *
Why would you like to be part of Interval? *
Do you have any access needs that you would like to share with us? (*please note, Interval studios are on second floor and there is only stairs access) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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