2024 Application for Joining White Rock Rowing
Thank you for your interest in joining White Rock Rowing. Please complete and submit this application to register as a participant in White Rock Boathouse rowing programs. You will receive separate instructions on how to complete your registration and payment once the application is received. 

Your initial participation, and any renewal thereof for any subsequent year, is subject to any Liability and Indemnification Waivers, the Boathouse Code of Conduct, and the White Rock Rowing and Paddling Safety 
Guidelines. Please note that club equipment is not available during juniors practice time.
If possible, please use Chrome as your browser to submit the application. Occasionally, the application is not received when Safari is used. 
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Email *
Full Name *
Address (Street, City, State, Zip code) *
Phone number(s) *
Date of birth *
Do you have rowing experience? *
If you answered "Yes" above, how long has it been since you have rowed? Otherwise write N/A. *
Please list the schools or clubs you have rowed for and for how long at each. Otherwise write N/A. *
Do you *
Are you a member of USRowing?  Note: Anyone competing at registered regattas shall be individual members of USRowing (exceptions for foreign competitors). *
I understand that my participation at White Rock Rowing requires me to affiliate with White Rock and wear White Rock colors at all competitions. Exceptions may be granted by the Board in the event that a regatta does not allow composite boats, or if a former collegiate athlete requests to row in an alumni competition. All requests for exceptions must be in writing. *
What type of participation are you applying for? Dues are annual beginning in March. There are no refunds or credits. Current club year is March 1, 2024 through Feb 2025. *
Do you currently own a boat, or do you plan to purchase a boat that you may wish to store at White Rock? If yes, please inquire regarding available rack space at info@whiterockrowing.org. Rack fees are not included with dues. Rack space is limited, and we will place you on a wait list if necessary. Membership is required to store a boat at the facility. *
How did you hear about White Rock Rowing? *
By submitting this application I have read and agree to abide by the following Liability Waiver (breach of this policy may result in termination of membership without refund): *
By submitting this application I have read and agree to abide by the following Safety Guidelines (breach of this policy may result in termination of membership without refund): *
By submitting this application I have read and agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct (breach of this policy may result in termination of membership without refund): *
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