Plantscapes Poinsettias 2023 Order Form
  • Poinsettias are available in two colors: Red and White
  • There are three size options: 8", 6" or 4"
  • They can be decorated with Color Foil and a Bow, OR Plain (no foil/bow)
  • Foil Color options include: Red, Green, Gold, and Silver
  • Bows come in two color options: Red and White
  • ORDER EARLY ! Poinsettias are subject to availability 
  • $8/plant covers care through December
If you have any questions about our Holiday Program, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (206) 623-7100. 
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Company Name *
Phone Number *
Existing Plantscapes Interior Maintenance Client *
If yes, what is your account number
Order placed by (first/last name) *
Who is your Platscapes Tech? *
What week would you like your delivery? 
Mondays- Downtown Seattle
Tuesdays - Eastside
Wednesdays - North
Thursdays - Flex Day
Fridays - South
*Dates are subject to change
Delivery fee range between $25-$75 depending on order size and location
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