Filos' Group Volunteering Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Filos Community Services and/or the SG Cares Volunteer Centre @ Bedok

As an SG Cares Volunteer Centre, Filos is able to curate and share with you opportunities from both Filos and from different Social Service Agencies and community partners in Bedok town.

Please complete the following form to help us better understand your group's volunteering needs and preferences. 

Besides basic contact information, there are just two sections to this form: a) Where we are at and 2) Our preferences. It should not take more than 5 - 10 minutes to complete. 

We look forward to our potential collaborations. Thank you!
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Full Name *
Preferred name (If any)
Contact Number *
Email Address *
Group Type *
Name of your Group *
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