Please read in full.
The following policies are to be read, acknowledged and agreed to and signed by all SCC members and all visiting reciprocal yacht club members who use the SCC docks, waterfront facilities and equipment. Failure to acknowledge, agree and sign shall be the basis for denying use.
1. Docking privileges for vessels and dinghies, and related fees
a. Decals. All vessels and dinghies belonging to SCC members must display an SCC registration decal, with the SCC membership number of the member clearly visible on the decal. The decal shall be mounted on the bow above the waterline and below the deck.
b. Sailing Season (April 1 to November 30)
i.Vessels. During the sailing season (April 1 to November 30), with advance permission of the Port Captain, Rear Commodore or Commodore, a current SCC member, or a visiting reciprocal yacht club member presenting a valid membership card, may dock their vessel along the east dock for a period of two consecutive days without charge, once every two weeks. After the two-day period, with advance permission of the Port Captain, Rear Commodore or Commodore, a member's vessel may remain for an additional five days (for a maximum period of seven days) provided that the member pays a fee for the approved period at the rate of$0.75 per foot per day, with payment of the entire fee paid in advance to the Port Captain or Commodore on the first day that any fee is due.
ii.Dinghies, and other small craft. During the sailing season (April 1 to November 30), provided that an SCC member pays in advance at the beginning of each calendar month the full amount of fees that are due for that month, dinghies belonging to SCC members which are used to access their moored vessels, or are otherwise used for their private purposes, will be permitted to dock/moor at the north dock as space permits and on the south dock between 8 PM and 8 AM. Fees will be: $1.00/day for dinghies, kayaks, canoes and human-powered craft 8 feet and under ($30/month); $1.50/day for craft that are 8 feet to 15 feet, or craft with motors($45/month). Vessels over 15 feet will not be considered dinghies / small craft, and will be charged as regular vessels at $0.75 per foot per day.
c. Off-Season (December 1 to March 31)
i.Vessels. During the off-season, the same policies - as are stated above for sailing season – apply except that the rate is $0.35 per foot per day.
ii. Dinghies, and other small craft During the off-season, the same policies as are stated above for sailing season apply.
2. Communications in advance with Port Captain. Rear Commodore or Commodore It is the responsibility of a member to make advance arrangements with the Port Captain, Rear Commodore or Commodore for docking. If advance arrangements are not made, a member will NOT be guaranteed that the privilege to dock will be granted. Further, upon arrival, it is the responsibility of a member to contact the Port Captain, Rear Commodore or Commodore to advise that a registered, decal-bearing vessel has arrived at the dock, and to make advance payment as appropriate. Failure to make timely advance payment in full is ground for refusal to honor any previously granted authorization to dock.
3. Volunteer work by SCC members in lieu of payment of dock fees. Members in good standing may submit requests to have the value of pre-approved work on pre-approved SCC work projects applied toward amounts due for dock fees. Members may submit for approval to the Commodore proposed work projects. Such work projects may be approved or disapproved by the Commodore in the Commodore's sole, subjective discretion. If a work project is approved by the Commodore, the maximum credit that a member may earn by doing approved work is $300 in any month, at a rate of$10/hour for work on the approved project. Time sheets detailing the date, time and nature of work performed must be submitted to the Commodore for approval as an offset to fees due.
4. SCC Fleet/Equipment and Fleet/Equipment Usage
a. Check out verification and instruction. All vessels and equipment will require a "check out verification" of the using member by the Dock Master or Rear Commodore, or their designee, before the using member will be allowed to log out a registered vessel or equipment. Members wishing to get instruction in the use of any vessel or equipment should contact the Port Captain or Rear Commodore in advance, who will attempt to arrange appropriate instruction.
b. Log out of fleet vessels and equipment. All vessels and equipment donated by members for use by all qualified members shall be registered and shall bear a SCC fleet registration decal. Each fleet vessel and each item of equipment (for example, paddles) will have a vessel ID number or equipment ID number which will be shown on the SCC registration decal. Members using registered vessels or equipment will be required to log the vessel or equipment out and in. A log will be posted in the sail room. Usage time for vessels and equipment will be one hour if another member is waiting to use the equipment, but, if there is no other member waiting, a member may use vessels and equipment for consecutive hours, provided that the member confirms each hour that there is no other member waiting.
c. Maintenance and repairs. A member who donates a vessel or equipment for use by other qualified members is responsible for the maintenance of the vessel or equipment, however qualified members who logout a vessel or equipment for use are individually responsible for damages and repairs. The SCC will NOT be liable for loss, theft or damages. If a qualified member logs out a vessel or equipment and does not return it in the same condition, that member is financially responsible for any needed repairs. The SCC will attempt to provide to the using member who has damaged any vessel or equipment instruction to make any needed repair(s), but is NOT required to do so. In the event of damage and repairs by the using member that are not considered adequate by the owning member, the owning member shall have the right to petition the Commodore to request payment by the using member for commercially acceptable repairs of damages, and that petition shall be determined by the Commodore in his sole, subjective judgment.
d. No overnight log outs. All vessels or equipment logged out by a member must be logged in the same day. No registered equipment may be kept out overnight without pre-approval by the Dock Master or Rear Commodore.
5. Limitation on Use of Docks for Work/Repair Projects. The see docks, waterfront facilities and equipment shall NOT be used for work/repair projects unless pre-arranged and pre-approved by the Port Captain and Rear Commodore, both of whom must approve in advance, in their sole and subjective discretion. Work/repair projects will not be approved if resulting in fines or noise or unwarranted use of dock space. All approved work must be completed by the end of the day in which the work was begun, and docks must be cleared of debris, parts, equipment and tools by the end of the day in which the work was begin. NO work will be approved on the south dock on weekends during sailing season.
6. Gate Keys. With advance approval of the Port Captain or Rear Commodore, a member or a visiting reciprocal yacht club member presenting a valid membership card who has been pre-approved to dock their vessel along the east dock, may obtain a gate key provided they provide a required refundable deposit for such key.
7. Children Under 12. Children under 12 who are on the docks are required to wear a life jacket and be under adult supervision. There is NO running on docks or decks.
8. Smoking. Smoking is NOT allowed in the bilge. Cigarettes, hot ashes, etc. must be disposed of in sand buckets or ashtrays, and shall not to be tossed onto docks or into water.