Business Banking Survey
The Post Growth Institute (an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit) has partnered with the Filene Research Institute to conduct a study examining how U.S. credit unions can better serve U.S. businesses.

We are currently collecting data on the primary business banking needs and level of demand among businesses for credit union financial services.

Survey data may be published in public reports and/or academic articles.

This study is anonymous. Businesses interested in assisting with further research will have the chance to share their contact information at the survey's end. Any shared information will be treated confidentially.

Estimated time for completing this survey is 5 minutes.

If you have any questions, please contact the study's lead researcher, Adam Szymanski, at

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With which of the following banking institutions does your company engage?
(For lending, deposits, or business banking services - select all that apply)
Across all of your banking, which of the following business services does your company utilize?
Select all that apply
Assuming a credit union could provide high-quality business banking services that meet all your company's needs, how interested might you be in moving any of your business to a credit union?
(Leave blank if you already bank with a credit union that meets all your business needs)
Not at all interested
Extremely interested
Clear selection
If your company were to consider moving its business to a credit union, what services would you require?
Leave blank if your company already does all its banking with a credit union. Select all that apply
Beyond required business services, what other reasons (if any) stop your company from doing (more) business with a credit union?
Leave blank if your company already does all its banking with a credit union.
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