Teacher Preparation and Support Department Official Transcript Request Form
Your request may take 2 weeks to process. There is a $5 fee for each official transcript.
Please mail a check or money order payable to San Diego Education Fund 2081 to:

Teacher Preparation and Support  
9191 Gramercy Drive, B-8
San Diego, CA  92123
Attn: Brian Kenworthy

Email *
Please fill out the following information below:
First Name *
Last Name *
Any other names used (maiden name) *
San Diego Unified Employee *
Employee ID Number *
Phone Number *
Year completed *
Program *
Who recommended you for your preliminary credential, the district or a university? *
How many copies of your official transcripts are you requesting?  The fee for each transcript is $5.00.   *
Please provide a mailing address for the official transcript: *
Do you need an electronic pdf copy of your transcript sent to an institution, *
Please provide the contact name and email address at the institution
Thank you for completing the form, your responses will be emailed to you.  Jennae Kustra will be in touch with you via email regarding your transcript request.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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