Membership Interest - Candidate Submission Form
Smart money for smart founders.

Bulgarian Angels Club is a platform which connects business angels with entrepreneurs with the goal to facilitate the deal process and support the Bulgarian startup ecosustem. 
Currently we are nearly 100 people but always on the lookout for aspiring and experienced investors. We are looking for prospective members who will be not only actively investing, but also ready to add value to the business development as well as provide mentoring opportunities to high-quality growth companies.
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1. What is your email address? *
2. What is your name (first & last name)? *
3. Please share your a link to your Linkedin Profile. *
4. Have you already invested in startups? *
5. What skills and/or experience can you offer to the Bulgarian Angels Club community? *
6. How many hours per month can you dedicate to Club activities? *
7. How did you hear about Club? *
8. Name of referring angel (if you know a current member, please provide her or his name). *
9. Please read and check boxes below if you agree with the statements. We will then proceed to review your application. *
10. Please share with us any relevant information (or question).
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