Tutu Order!
Need a tutu for Tutu Tuesday(s)?  Order yours here!  Tutus are free, but I do ask for a donation to help cover the shipping cost which looks to be around $8.  Need Multiple Tutus for your family?  Please fill out a different form for each tutu order.  Thanks!

Order Deadline (to get it in time for Tutu Tuesday) is July 7th.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Email address (to contact you if I have any questions)

1.  Color(s):  Choose as many (or as few) colors as you'd like for your tutu.
     If you have a particular pattern in mind, please indicate that below.  If not, I'll make it up as I go and you'll have a unique one like nobody else!  :)

2.  Tie Ribbon:  
     Part 1:  Measure your waist (inches please)
     Part 2:  How many inches would you like to be able to tie?  
                  (I'll add this length to your waist measurement.)
     Part 3:  Color - you only get to choose one here...sorry!

3.  Shipping Address:  Please indicate where you'd like it shipped.  If you are in Central MN or the Twin Cities area, I am considering just taking a road trip to drop Tutus off instead.  I'll be in touch with you about that, so feel free to hold off on #4.  :)

4.  Donation:  If you'd like to "pay" (i.e. make a donation) for your tutu and/or shipping, please do so here:  
Thank you in advance for your donation.

Ordering deadline to get your tutu by Tutu Tuesday is July 7th.  If you don't want/need it by July 7th, feel free to order any other time - up until the end of July.
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Email address (to contact you with any questions)
2.  Tie (pt 1):  Measurement of waist (inches) *
2.  Tie (pt 2):  Extra Length of ribbon to tie (these amounts will be added to your ribbon length - on both sides) *
2.  Tie (pt 3):  Color! *
3.  Shipping Address (name included please) *
Any comments, Tutu design specifications, etc.?
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