2023-2024 Star 1 Registration
Please fill out one form per skater.  StarSkate is for those skaters who have complete CanSkate and would like to continue to develop their figure skating skills.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Participant's Last Name *
Participant's First Name *
Participant's Gender *
Participant's current age: *
Participant's Date of Birth *
Contact Phone # *
Skate Canada # (If you don't know or don't have one, please leave blank)
Address: *
City/Town: *
Postal Code: *
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s): *
The email provided above will be emailed any updates or information about CanSkate.  If you have another email address that you would like to receive updates, please enter it below.
Facebook & Email are our primary sources for communication so please ensure these are current addresses that are checked.
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