Kepler Teacher Interest Form
Kepler now draws its teachers exclusively from our Consortium of Classical Educators.

The Consortium of Classical Educators exists to provide resources and regional connections for Christian families, teachers, and educational organizations, to expand the reach of classical education, and to foster human flourishing for generations to come.

Membership in the Consortium is free, optional, and does not entitle members to any privileges, positions, or compensations. Neither does it obligate members to teach or participate in conferences, courses, discussions, etc. It does, however, open a pathway toward those ends for classical educators interested in participating in the vision laid out in the above statement.

To learn more about the Consortium of Classical Educators, visit 
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Email *
Agreement to join the Consortium (must check all five boxes to be considered) *
Title *
Full name *
Best Phone Number *
Best Mailing Address *
In which time zone do you live? *
Education (check all that apply) *
In what discipline or field did you earn your degree(s)? *
Are you interested in teaching? *
What are you interested in teaching?
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Are you interested in writing? *
Are you interested in public speaking? *
How familiar are you with Classical Christian Education or the Liberal Arts? *
List two to three books you've read recently that have been interesting or influential to you. *
How did you learn about Kepler Education and/or the Consortium of Classical Educators?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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