Fidget/Activity lap blanket drive - Information Session March 6th, 3-4 pm PST
Join in Fidget articles drive to donate to hundreds of seniors with dimensia or alzeihmerts within bay area  

After you submit the form, we will send you the zoom details to join informational session

instagram: @inatalent

inAtalent is 100% volunteer run organization.  

One of the ways that individuals with Alzheimer's or dementia show anxiety or agitation is in their hands. They will begin to fidget, restlessly pulling at clothes or blankets, wringing their hands, or rubbing their hands together. Fidget blankets are one way to help restore calm.  Thank you for joining in this community project and donating your time and talents.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Email *
Choose your talent to make fidget blankets *
Disclaimer - I hereby release inAtalent including it's trustees, members and volunteers, from any type of injury while participating in a volunteer driven activity.  I will also assume the risk associated with participation in this event whether known or unknown to me at this time.  I understand that inAtalent will take a few pictures of the project for uploading on their social media channels *
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