個人資料保護法聲明 Statement of Personal Information Protection Act *
本人同意及授權文藻外語大學華語中心所蒐集之個人資訊僅作為文藻華語中心之課務、活動及相關行政業務之使用,使用範圍僅限於台灣地區,個人資料保留期間為即日起十年內;本人亦了解該中心將依個人資料保護法之相關規定妥善管理,未經本人同意,絕不任意對其他第三者揭露。I hereby consent and authorize the Chinese Language Center (CLC) of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages collects the personal information that I provide for the purpose of affairs of course, activities and administrative work in CLC. The Chinese Language Center (CLC) of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages may use my personal information in Taiwan for a period of 10 years commencing from now on the date of submitting my application. I also understand that CLC will not disclosed this information to third parties without my agreement.