NMUSD Monte Vista Independent  Study School Interest Form 2024-2025
Monte Vista Independent Study is an alternate educational option for NMUSD students in grades 7-12. Students at Monte Vista will meet with their teachers one day per week at Presidio Learning Center in Costa Mesa. Students will complete coursework through Edgenuity, an online learning management system, take proctored tests in person, and obtain content support from independent study teachers. 

Students must be reside in the NMUSD attendance area to be considered for Monte Vista Independent Study. 

Please fill out the following form if you are NOT a current Monte Vista parent/student and you are interested in enrolling in the Monte Vista Independent Study Program for the 24-25 academic school year. This will help us provide information for upcoming parent inquiry nights, the enrollment process and enrollment dates.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email Ruth Cartmill at rcartmill@nmusd.us or call the front office at 949-515-6690.
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Email *
Phone number  *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student ID # (if already an NMSUD student)
Current Grade Level  *
Success in independent study requires motivation and a strong commitment on the part of the pupil and, for most pupils, requires the support of parents, guardians, or caregivers. It also requires sufficient academic preparation to enable the pupil to work independently.  Why would Monte Vista Independent Study be a good match for your student?  *
Are you interested in full time enrollment or concurrent enrollment?  *
Monte Vista Independent Study School offers full time enrollment, in which students take all of their courses through independent study, or concurrent enrollment, in which students take single courses (1-2 classes) while attending their neighborhood school.
If your child is requesting concurrent enrollment, which course(s) are they interested in taking at Monte Vista? 
Does your child have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)? *
Does your child have a 504 Plan? *
Does your child qualify for English Language Support? (EL Classes) *
Does your child struggle with attendance at their current school? *
We will be contacting you soon regarding your request. What is the best email to contact you at? *
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