Registration Form: 12/12/24 Quarterly Meeting AND 2024 End of Year Survey
Please complete the form below to confirm your attendance at the FHEC 2024 Q4 meeting.  
Meeting Details:
Thursday 12/12/24, 1-4pm
West Orange Public Library
10 Rooney Circle
West Orange, NJ 07052
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Email *
First Name:  *
Last Name: *
Please choose one: *
Name of the organization you represent: *
Your role/title within the organization you represent: *
If you are a new member or would like to update your Working Group participation, please indicate your interest(s) from the list below:
Please indicate your level of agreement with this statement:
Since joining FHEC, I have been able to collaborate with others working to address food and health equity more often and more easily.
Please indicate your level of agreement with this statement:
Since joining FHEC, accessing and sharing resources related to food and nutrition security has become easier/I experience fewer barriers to accessing and sharing resources. 

On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend FHEC as a resource to your colleagues, peers, etc.? [0 indicates not at all likely at all, 10 indicates extremely likely.]


On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend FHEC as a resource to community members seeking food and nutrition information in Essex County?
[0 indicates not at all likely at all, 10 indicates extremely likely.]

Share a Short Report?
Do you have something you'd like to share with FHEC members?  "Short Reports" are informal presentations, 2-10 minutes,  to share an update on a project, initiative, collaborative win, collective success, etc. 
If you are interested in sharing a brief report with the group, please indicate below and provide a brief description.  We will follow up to learn more and discuss the agenda! 
Waiver Agreement:
I agree to the terms of the Release and Waiver of Liability for Film and Video, linked here.

Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs or need for accommodations to allow you to participate fully in this event.  Please include food allergies and dietary restrictions as well.  Thank you!

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