Smoke and Ashes by Amitav Ghosh: Book Discussion 

The World History Learning Community is open to all K-14 in-service teachers and community college faculty across the United States via Zoom. Educators come together to read and discuss books in the field of world history. The book for discussion is Smoke and Ashes by Amitav Ghosh which traces the transformative effect the opium trade had on Britain, India, and China, as well as the world at large.The session will take place virtually on February 4th 2025 7-9 P.M. EST. Facilitated by the University of Michigan's Center for South Asian Studies. 

  • Expand your ability and confidence to teach world history
  • Connect with and learn from fellow educators and esteemed historians in a cohort setting
  • Explore cutting-edge research and scholarship in the field of world history 
  • Free books about regional world history
Contact Veronica Dristas with questions at

Note: We are able to fund and distribute books to registrants as funding allows. Registration will remain open after this amount is reached. Registrants will be notified if we are unable to provide them with the reading material.

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I am committed to adhering to the schedule and to complete the assignments of the book discussion. I understand that if I do not attend after registering or do not fully participate, I may be asked to reimburse the Global Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh for the cost of the book.
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