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Angler #1 Name
Address *
City, State & Zip Code *
Phone Number:  *
Email: *
Angler #2 Contact Information [Attention by adding Angler #2's contact information you will be charged for two memberships, $60.00 + $6.00 service fee] (If your fishing solo just answer all question as "None")
Angler #2 Name:
Angler #2 Address:
Angler #2 City, State & Zip Code
Angler #2 Phone Number
Angler #2  Email:
If Angler #2 is a Youth please enter the Date of Birth (Example: 01/03/97)
If Angler #2 is a Female Please mark female below.
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Tournament Trail fishing
Boat or Kayak/Year/Length (No boat answer "None")
Example: Ranger / 2012 / 20'
Motor / Size (No motor answer "None")
Example: Mercury / 200
Liability Release
In signing this agreement, I signify that I have read and understand all rules and will release U.S.A. BASSIN, its officers, sponsors, agents, and employees, from any and all damages, claims, demands, cost, or expenses relating to injury of any persons or damage to any property which I may cause by reason of participating in or in connection with any U.S.A. BASSIN National Tournament Trail event.

Covenant Not To Sue and Waiver of Subrogation: I further agree that I will never sue U.S.A. BASSIN for damages on account of any injury damage that I suffer or cause whether known now or which may develop in the future in connection with this or any other U.S.A. BASSIN Tournament Fishing Event. I expressly agree to indemnify and hold U.S.A. BASSIN harmless from any liability whatsoever, including court cost and attorney’s fees arising with respect to such action. I understand that in waiving my rights to sue U.S.A. BASSIN, I am waiving the right to recovery from U.S.A. BASSIN of my insurance carrier for any claims they may pay on my behalf. I further understand that by signing this agreement, I waive any rights my heirs or relatives have or may have to sue U.S.A. BASSIN for liability.

Verification of liability insurance: I further state that I am a current member of U.S.A. BASSIN and that I maintain liability insurance on the boat I will use in any U.S.A. BASSIN Tournament Fishing Event.

Construction: If this agreement and the release, covenant, and waivers contained herein are found by any court to be overly broad in any manner, I ask the court to interpret it as broadly as possible.

There will be a $6.00 service charge added to each membership fee for paying by Visa or Master Card.

I signify by clicking the button below that I and my partner have read and understand the above agreement.
Agree to Rules, Regulations and Liability
Note to Tournament Director
If your wanting to be added to an existing team please give us their name and ID number.
USA BASSIN Membership Fee is: $30.00 per person. You will receive an email invoice within 48 hours.
There will be a $6.00 service charged for paying by Visa or Master Card
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