The Summit Guy Speaker List
I know a lot of great speakers, and I want to both make it easier for me next time I run an event and help get you opportunities. The purpose of the document that will come from this form is that I will be able to share it with conference and summit organizers, podcasters, and others who are looking for speakers.

This is a good list to be on if you are looking to get on stages.

Should your information change, please email me at
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City and State
What topics do you speak on
How large is your email list?
Please put a number in, best guess is fine. Many events have a minimum email list size, so anything other than a number will show in my system as 0.
How large is your Social media following?
What speaking opportunities are you interested in?
Your web site
Social media links
Brief Bio
Other information
Links to speaking samples, podcast appearances, etc
Not mandatory, but it's much harder to refer you if I can't see/hear you speak.
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