PSA 2022 Call for Chairs
Moderators (or chairs) run the session, introducing speakers, facilitate Q&A, and keep everything running on time. More detailed instruction will be provided prior to the session.

As a token of our appreciation, all moderators will be invited to attend the Jessica Pfeifer PSA Service Breakfast, sponsored by UMBC.

NOTE: Moderators are academic participants and are not considered volunteers. In addition, moderators must either have obtained their PhD or be All but Dissertation (ABD).
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Email *
First Name / Last Name *
Moderator eligibility
If you are a grad student, you must have completed all coursework in your Ph.D. program and have only the dissertation remaining  (be All but Dissertation (ABD)). MA students are not eligible to moderate.
Moderator Status *
Following standard practice, a moderator is an academic participant in the session and, as such, is not considered a volunteer.
Are you participating on the main program of PSA 2022 in another capacity already? This includes presenting in a symposium or giving a contributed paper; it does not include poster presentation or the Cognate Society sessions. We will first assign as moderators those who are not already participating in the main program in another capacity (though will likely need more and appreciate your signing up.)

Title of session you would like to moderate or topic and time you are available to moderate in general *
E.g., "Biology 2" or "philosophy of biology, Thursday/Friday sessions"
Availability (days)
If you have no strong preference for a session topic or have selected multiple topics, which days are you available to moderate? (check all that apply)
Availability (time of day)
If you have no strong preference for a session topic or have selected multiple topics, which times of the day are you available to moderate? (check all that apply)
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