FI Brain Trust Expertise Intake 
We really appreciate you contributing to FI Brain Trust! We encourage you to put in as detailed info as possible in question 3 and 4. This will help us build our expertise database and our FI Brain Trust Community. If you have any questions, please email
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1. What is your name? *
2. Where does your expertise fall into? *
3. Please provide more details about your expertise and how you can contribute to FI Brain Trust. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for those who need your skills to find and reach out to you.
For certain professionals, we understand you might not be able to practice your exact field without license, but you might be able to contribute in some creative ways. (For example. therapist may be able to give advise on how to look for a good therapist that fits people).
4. A quick summary of yourself and your background for people to know you. *
Anything you want to add about yourself so we get to you as a real person :) FI Journey, Hobby, etc.
5. Your availability (Format as XX Hours per Week/Month) *
6. What timezone are you in? *
7. [Optional] What city are you in?
Feel free to share if you are open to potentially helping out in-person. If not, you can skip this question.
8. [Optional] A link to a profile picture or an avatar.
Here is my avatar example. I created it in i-message. Please upload your image to your google drive. Click the share button to ensure viewing access for anyone with the link, and share the link below.
Captionless Image
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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