Tell Us About You Questionnaire
Welcome to Kew Kids Forest School!

We’d like to get to know you and your child.  Your candid responses in this questionnaire give us a picture and insight on your family makeup and practices that may help us tailor activities or curriculum to better meet your needs and requests.  This information will be kept strictly confidential by Kew Kids staff only.
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Child's Name *
1. Please list household members living in the same residence. *
2. Do you have pets?  If so, what kind and what are their names? *
3. Please list 3 adjectives that best describe your child. *
4. If you are enrolling FULL DAY, please briefly describe your naptime/bedtime routines.  Skip this question if you are enrolling HALF DAY.
5. What is your child’s favorite toy and why? *
6. What is your child’s favorite thing to do for fun (i.e. shopping, playground etc.)? *
7. What is your child’s favorite songs or music? *
8. What is your favorite childhood memory in nature?  Would you like us to try to recreate? *
9. Can you describe an activity or two that you think your child will enjoy in nature?  We'd love to incorporate into our program. *
10. What is your proudest moment as a parent so far? *
11.  Any special needs or requests you'd like to elaborate.
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