RagaBabe Post-Order Form
Thank you for your order!  This form can be used for miscellaneous communication with us about your order (if you are cancelling an order, send an email to joy@ragababe.com) and should be filled out if you have multiple invoice #s within one stocking that need to ship together for those that used the combine code. You may fill out this form even if you did not use the combine code and want your orders to arrive in the same package. Thanks SO much for supporting RagaBabe!
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First name ON INVOICE: *
If  you have mulitple invoices under different names, list name on lowest invoice # here, and specify other name(s) in the 'additional comments' section.
Last name ON INVOICE: *
First 5 digit Invoice number: *
Please list 5 digit invoice # (for example if your invoice is ID10211, just put 10211).  If you have multiple invoice #s that are shipping together, list the LOWEST # here.
Second Invoice number (if applicable) Leave blank if it doesn't apply:
Please list 5 digit invoice #.  If you have multiple invoice #s, list from LOWEST # TO HIGHEST.
Third Invoice number (if applicable) Leave blank if it doesn't apply:
If you have more than 3 invoice #s, please list addtionals here as well, separated by a comma. Please list last 5 digits of invoice #.  If you have multiple invoice #s, list from LOWEST # TO HIGHEST.
Best contact email address: *
Additional comments:
Any other essential details that we need to know.
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