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A goal of the Maryland 4-H Program is to provide opportunities for children and youth to build character. Maryland 4-H supports the CHARACTER COUNTS six pillars of character:
TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING, AND CITIZENSHIP. In order to ensure Maryland 4-H programs provide positive environments for all individuals to learn and grow, 4-H participants agree to abide by these expectations of behavior:
- I will be TRUSTWORTHY. I will be worthy of trust, honor, and confidence. I will be a model of integrity by doing the right thing even when the cost is high. I will be honest in all my activities, and I will not cheat, lie, knowingly give false information, or be dishonest in any other way. I will follow through on commitments I make and responsibilities I accept. I will not engage in illegal or unethical behavior.
- I will be RESPECTFUL. I will show respect, courtesy, and consideration to everyone, including other program participants, those in authority, and myself. I will act and speak respectfully. I will not use vulgar or abusive language or cause physical, mental, or emotional harm. I will dress in a manner that is appropriate, tasteful, and respectful for youth. I will take care of property and facilities and will not intentionally cause harm or damage. I will appreciate diversity in skill, ability, gender, ethnicity, family, and personal beliefs. I understand that Maryland 4-H does not tolerate statements or acts of discrimination or prejudice.
- I will be RESPONSIBLE. I will be responsible, accountable, and self-disciplined in the pursuit of excellence. I will live up to high expectations so I can be proud of my work and conduct. I accept my personal responsibility to be informed of and follow policies, rules, and procedures of Maryland 4-H and 4-H events or activities in which I participate. I will be accountable for my choices and actions and I will take responsibility for any mistakes or misconduct in which I participate.
- I will be FAIR. I will be just, fair, and open-minded. I will participate in events by following the rules, not taking advantage of others, and not asking for special exception or consideration. I will demonstrate good sportsmanship and will accept the final outcome of events and contests.
- I will be CARING. I will be caring in my relationships with others. I will be kind and show compassion for other people and living things. I will treat others the way I want to be treated. I will show appreciation for the efforts of others. I will help members of my group to have a good experience by striving to include everyone.
- I will be a GOOD CITIZEN. I will be a contributing and law-abiding member of the organization, community, and society. I will not use illegal or illicit substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. I will not act in a manner that is threatening, harassing, demeaning, or violent toward others, and I will not use technology or media to promote such actions. I will be respectful to the environment and contribute to the greater good. I will promote a spirit of inclusion by welcoming individuals from all backgrounds in my club and community. I will positively represent Maryland 4-H by holding myself to the standards of the 4-H Pledge and Motto.