Registration for the International Koshukai with Volker Hochwald from 15.-17.03.2024
Dear Aikidokas,

We cordially invite you to the three-day Aikido seminar led by Shihan Volker Hochwald, 6th DAN Aikido Dento Iwama Ryu, in our dojo in Erlangen.

We are happy that Shihan Volker Hochwald has found his way to us again. As the highest representative of our style in Germany, Volker trained and trains regularly for many weeks a year in Japan under Morihiro, Hitohira, and Yasuhiro Sensei, so that he can always ensure that Dento Iwama Ryu techniques are taught.

Looking forward to your coming and seeing you in spring 2024.

Teacher: Volker Hochwald, 6th DAN Aikido Dento Iwama Ryu

Date: 15.-17.03.2024

Location: Helene-Richter-Straße 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany (

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