Neurodivergent EA Community: interest survey
Thank you for your interest in participating in our survey! We are exploring the idea of creating an online group for neurodivergent people in EA and EA-adjacent communities. Your input will help us gauge whether this might be worth doing, what platforms it might be based on, and what needs and interests this group might try to serve for its members. Please spare about 10-15 minutes (estimated time) to answer the following questions.

This form is anonymous by default; your email address is not collected unless you provide it in the final section.
Every question is optional and can be skipped if you prefer not to answer.

Feel free to get in touch with Victor Wang ( with any questions or comments about this survey.
How often has EA been a tangible part of your life in the past 6 months, on average?

Consider behaviors (e.g. working for an EA org), interactions (attending an EA meetup), actions (applying for an EA-aligned role or consuming content from blogs/podcasts/forums), and cognition (thinking about or discussing EA ideas) as all relevant.
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What neurotypes do you identify with?
Maybe, not sure
Self-diagnosed or self-identifying
Formally diagnosed
Autism (ASD)
Bipolar disorder
How well do you feel you understand your neurotype(s)?

4 = I'm aware of the existence of my most obvious limitations and behavior traps
7 = I understand all the core features of my neurotype(s), and there is plenty of room for more improvement and further detailed understanding
I've heard of the labels and that's about it
I'm set for life even if I learn nothing more; I know everything I need to thrive without any surprises
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Do you tend to associate identifying with a neurotype as being empowering or restrictive?
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What is your gender identity?
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What age range do you fall into?
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Have you ever experienced neurodivergent burnout?
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Which continent are you primarily based in?
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How do you feel about the term "neurospicy" when used self-descriptively?
I hate it
I love it
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