Quiz (pre-study): Tall Buildings & the Belle Epoque
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0 points
"Jugendstil" is a kind of *
1 point
Louis Sullivan is known for ornament derived from plant motifs free of strict geometries and tall buildings that are completely modern, with no trace of Classical influence. *
1 point
Swirling tendril designs in both (apparent) metallic structural supports and surface decorations in architectural design near the end of the nineteenth century is associated with which movement? *
4 points
The late-nineteenth century concept of the curtain wall is still in use today, although later architects tended to use more and more glass in the "curtain." *
1 point
What does "La Belle Epoque" mean? *
1 point
The Paris Metros were designed with luxury materials and specialized art to make them appropriately grandiose symbols of Paris as the cultural capital of Europe. *
1 point
The version of "Art Nouveau" in this city tended toward design principles executed in new industrial materials and sparse, geometric ornament, within an overarching classical framework. *
1 point
Buildings that belong to the first cohesive "school" of tall building (skyscraper) design tend to share in common: (1) the use of metallic structural frames and (2) exterior designs that draw from Classical precedents. *
1 point
Which of these is NOT a source for Art Nouveau influence? *
1 point
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