Grades, Rubrics, and Feedback in Brightspace Workshop with Stacey Johnson:
Participants in this workshop will learn about the range of tools available in Brightspace to make grading and feedback more efficient and effective. Ideally, participants will have Brightspace open during the session so they can explore and build content in our test course! By the end of the workshop, users will be able to:
   -Build a gradebook that mirrors the grading scheme in their syllabus
   -Build and use rubrics to give feedback on Assignments, Discussions, and in Grades
   -Communicate feedback to students using multiple tools and media
There will be time at the end of the workshop for participants to ask questions about using Brightspace.

The workshops will take place throughout July and August and more offerings may be announced depending on demand.
  July 22nd 1:00pm-2:30pm
   Monday, July 27th 1:00pm-2:30pm
   Wednesday, Aug 5th 1:00pm-2:30pm
   Tuesday, Aug 11th 1:00pm-2:30pm
   Wednesday, Sep 2nd 12:00-1:30pm
For more information about this workshop and future offerings, keep an eye on the registration form and our Brightspace support workshops page.

Location: Zoom link will be emailed to participants
Open to anyone teaching or developing courses at Vanderbilt
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Last Name *
First Name *
Vanderbilt School *
Vanderbilt Department *
What is your title/position? (This is used simply for assessment purposes, not a criterion for admission.) *
E-Mail *
Vanderbilt e-mail address prefered if you have one. Otherwise, use current personal e-mail address.
VUnet ID (Use Lower case letters) *
If you are primarily a VUMC employee, please use your VUMC ID
Which workshop day(s) do you prefer? (More sessions may be added based on demand, so check back for more information.) *
Have you already participated in the two-week Online Course Design Institute (OCDI) through the CFT?   *
Do you have any concerns or questions you want to share with the facilitator before the template workshop? Erica can prepare to answer your questions in the session or reach out ahead of time to answer your questions via email.
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