Knight Elementary Personal Device Release Form
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Teacher *
What kind of device? *
What type of device? *
ex. Apple iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, Samsung, etc.
Serial Number *
Serial numbers may be on the device physically or in the settings
POD Release
The equipment, along with any additional technology brought to school by the student listed above is not the property of Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS), but is owned and used by the single student named above for teaching and learning purposes during school. By signing this form, the school and parents agree that this device may only be used at school to support specific teaching and learning processes, including times and locations where students may not be directly supervised by school personnel.
This equipment may be used on school district grounds as long as it is being used for teaching and learning purposes or school-authorized activities. These devices include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Notebook, netbook, or laptop computers
* eReaders and tablet devices (Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.)
* Audio and video players such as iPods and MP3 players, including WiFi
* Smartphones and other cellular devices
* Other devices with computer interfaces

    Students may not connect their devices to GCPS networks in an unapproved way or for activities other than those related to teaching and learning. Students and parents must be aware that accessing inappropriate materials while at school is subject to local school procedures for disciplinary action, including confiscation of the device.

    Appropriate and inappropriate uses of technology and related content are detailed in district and local school policies and acceptable use agreements.
GCPS is not responsible for any maintenance, damage, theft, usage or usage charges, or loss of this non-school-district equipment. Students using these devices are responsible for the maintenance, care, and protection of their personal equipment that they choose to bring to school. Through this document, parents and students agree that their technology, regardless of ownership, will be used in a manner consistent with the district Acceptable Use Policy.

    The parents release all liability and indemnify Gwinnett County Public Schools, its employees, and designees, from responsibility for this equipment.

    This permission is valid for the current school year only, and may be revoked by school officials at any time for improper use of the device, or other reasons.
I understand that I release Knight Elementary and GCPS from liability for my device. *
Type Parent/Guardian name below to agree to the above terms.
I will be responsible when using my device at school for learning. *
Place student initials in the box below.
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