AAJA 2022: Educators Survey
This AAJA Educators survey wants to learn about educators and potential educators in our organization. The survey aims to identify the needs, challenges, and goals of members who teach students or are thinking about moving into academia. We also want to see if AAJA members are interested in collaborating on research projects that could help us better understand AAPI communities in media.
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Name *
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What is the best way to connect with you?
If you work in the media industry (or used to work in this space), what is your platform or speciality?
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If you are not working in the classrooms, are you interested in teaching opportunities?
If you work as an educator, what is your class level?
If you work as a journalism educator, what type of classes do you teach?
Do you have experience working on a research project?
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Are you interested in collaborating on a research project with other AAJA members and allies?
If you are thinking about moving into academia, what are your questions about teaching and research? *
If you work as an educator, how can AAJA support your work with students and if it applies, your research interests? *
Would you be interested in joining an AAJA meet-up with other educators or potential educators?
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Would you be interested in joining an AAJA Slack channel or Facebook interests to connect with other educators?
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What else should we know about building resources and a network to support AAJA educators and potential educators?
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