Practices will be held at Dive Beach every weekday afternoon from 4 - 6, Meets will be every Thursday (4th of July meet will be reschedule) & the Hub Championship will be on July 27th. Meets that need to be rescheduled due to weather will be on Tuesdays.
Here are some videos to explain the dives and how the dives are scored:
Divers are welcome to purchase the ILCC swim team suit but it's not required. Suits are available at California Beach Hut, 21 Broadway, Denville. Stop by their shop to purchase your suit. Just mention you are with Indian Lake team they have suit information on file. It's a new suit this year!
***We need parent volunteers to run the meets and judge, please reach out if you are willing to assist. Don't worry if you have never judged before, we will provide training.