Mentee Application to the PWN Vienna Mentoring Program 2024/2025
Welcome to the the PWN Vienna Application Platform for the Mentoring Program 2024/2025!

Please read carefully this introduction before filling out the form and in case you have any questions, please write to the coordination team at

Pre-Conditions to access the Mentoring Program:

1. Register and pay your Premium Membership PWN Vienna
PWN Vienna is the owner and enabler of the Mentoring Program. This membership grants you access to all the amazing content the membership benefits of PWN Vienna and Global, we provide beyond the Mentoring program.
The PWN premium membership is 105 EUR (one hundred and five Euro)/year.
You can sign up under 
Should you face any difficulties our dedicated membership team will be glad to assist you with the registration. Please contact:

2. Pay the PWN Mentoring Program Administration Fee  of 100 EUR (one hundred Euro) for the whole Mentoring Program 2024/2025.

3. Please send proof of payment to;
Payment method: regular fee by card under following Link:   PWN Vienna-Admission Fee Mentoring Program 2024/2025
or you can copy this link into your browser, once you are logged in as member on the website and click on the REGISTER button at the bottom of the page:

Super Early bird offer 50% discount on the Mentoring fee!
50% discount on the Mentoring fee for applications until July 31st, 2024; pay 50 Euro instead of regular 100 Euro and qualify for the Exclusive workshop: “Inner voice, outer strength: Transforming negative self-talk” with Viktorija Jordanovska, Personal Development Trainer and Coach.

Early bird offer!
For applications from August 1st till August 15th, 2024  you qualify for an Exclusive workshop: “Inner voice, outer strength: Transforming negative self-talk” with Viktorija Jordanovska, Personal Development Trainer and Coach.

4. Please fill out this Application form and send us your CV with a PHOTO immediately after your application.
We need your photo to make it easier for us to connect your application to your CV, interests and preferences and eventually to your mentor. Your photo is in no way an application or matching criterion.

Usage of the data you provide:
PWN Mentoring Team receives sensible data from you, we are keeping the access to this data limited. We value your trust.
Later we will disclose the application form and your CV to your mentor. This is necessary to give the mentor a chance to prepare for you as a mentee. If you have not been chosen for the program, you will be notified and your data will be deleted.
We will disclose your name to the PWN Membership Team to receive confirmation that you have paid the membership fee.
We are keeping a record of mentors and mentees to keep a pool of potential mentors for the future and to see if you have stayed with us.
We are also taking photos at the events to let our PWN members know what services we provide and to attract more members.
Welcome to the Mentoring Program application, please give your e-mail address first!

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