Pennsylvania Housing Survey 
Join us as we raise a powerful new African voice for progress!

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. 

African Communities Together is an organization of African immigrants fighting for civil rights, opportunity, and a better life for our families here in the U.S. and worldwide. 

Please visit our website to connect at
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Watch Our Housing Fight in Virginia..
Name: *
Email address:
Phone Number:
Did you or one of your parents immigrate to the US? *
Do you speak other languages besides English at home?
Are you an asylum seeker?* *
*There are specific resources available to asylum seekers.
Are you a renter? *
Have the rising rental prices in your area impacted you and your family? (If you are a Renter, answer this question).
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What is the top issue that concerns you?
Homeowners are applying for The Whole Home Repairs Act which gives $50,000 to weatherize your home and make needed home repairs. Specifically for low and middle-income families. How would you use the 50k? Select 1. (If you are a Homeowner, answer this question).
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Are you interested in getting involved with African Communities Together?
Would you like to be added to the ACT mailing list? *
Would you like to share a personal story about your housing experiences? We welcome all insights, whether they're about finding a home, challenges you've faced, or memorable moments that have shaped your understanding of what home means to you.
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