Campus-Wide Front Desk Application
Hey there!

DO YOU have Federal Work Study Funds?
DO YOU like being able to work in the very building that you live in?

THEN YOU might be interested in a Front Desk Position! The Residential Life team is looking for student workers who will greet and sign people into the residence halls in the evenings. There will be consistent weekly schedule with opportunities for coverage and optional break shifts!

Fill out this application by 9/7/18  to be considered for the job!
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Full Name: *
Phone Number: *
The email you check constantly: *
Your campus address (building and room number): *
Academic Major/Minor: *
Have you been awarded Federal Work Study Funds. If unsure, please contact Financial Services at 207-780-5250 or explore your Mainestreet account. *
If so, how much?
Why would you like to be a front desk worker? *
Tell us about your previous job experiences and the skills you've obtained from them. *
What strengths do you have that you believe will be helpful in this position? *
Are you good at smiling? *
Favorite color? *
Is there anything else you think we should know about you?
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