Registration for EFARD Annual Meeting 16 June 2022 - Online meeting
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Repeat email address *
First name *
Last name *
Affiliation (full name and abbreviation) *
Type of organisation *
Country *
I would like to register for (multiple choices possible) *
Geographical area of intervention (multiple choices possible)
What are your expectations for the meeting?
Privacy: I agree to have my details on the participants' list shared with other participants of this meeting *
Privacy: By registering to this meeting I agree that the information I have provided in this registration form will be used for the benefit of the organisation of this meeting by EFARD. *
EFARD Privacy Statement
We will use your details in this registration form solely for the purpose of organising this meeting and to guarantee quality of the meeting. The filled in interests will not be shared in relation to your personal details.
For further questions about the EFARD Annual Hybrid Meeting on 16 June 2022 in Brussels, Belgium and online, please contact
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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