OOB Arabic-English Translator Recruitment Form
Thank you for offering your time and talents for this very important cause.

Please fill this form in English as completely as possible.
All positions are on a volunteer-basis as OOB is completely volunteer-based.

We will maintain your privacy and any information shared will remain with only the leadership members necessary to conduct work.
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Full name: *
Are you fluent in both English and Arabic? *
Have you translated before and if so, in what capacity? *
Are you comfortable translating medical and health related information?

Experience with this is not required but very helpful.
Are you comfortable translating emotionally difficult conversations? You will likely hear things that are extremely upsetting.

If there are certain situations you wish to avoid, please specify in "other".
Are you trained in Trauma-Informed Interpreting?

If not, please see this short guide, which may be a helpful starting place. 

Additional resources include youtube videos and free textbooks.

Whatever format you choose to educate and prepare yourself for trauma informed language interpretation, it is imperative you do so. Not just for those we are helping, but for yourself: as you will find, vicarious trauma can be quite upsetting, but it is avoidable when proper measures are taken by the translator.
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What is your weekly availability like to provide translation?

Please be as detailed as possible.
Are you able to respond to emergency interpretation needs (which sometimes arise with little notice)? *
Email: *
Your WhatsApp:

(if you don't have this, please download it. This is an essential way we securely communicate with those we are helping).
Your Telegram:

(if you don't have this, please download it. This is an essential way we securely communicate with volunteers).
Of these, how would you prefer we reach out to you to schedule a short 15-minute interview?

Please choose the one you check most often.
What days or times work best to conduct this one-time interview? *
Any questions we can help answer in advance of the interview? *
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