International Women's Day. Are You Influential? Get Your Voice Heard in the UK Parliament - Friday 8th March 2019 - 12:00-14:00
As part of International Women's Day a team of representatives from UK Parliament will be running a free workshop with SUSU. The workshop will take place in Building 42, Level 2, The Boardroom.

Are You Influential? Get Your Voice Heard in the UK Parliament

Find out how to take action and make an impact on decisions made in the UK Parliament. You will discover the tools you can use to influence debates, decisions and legislation. You will also learn how to build effective relationships with MPs and members of the House of Lords. This session is perfect for those wishing to be heard and make a difference on the issues that matter most. An interactive workshop with discussions, debates, games and quizzes.

Spaces are limited. We will contact you if you have been successful.

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